Highland winter sports and activities

If you’re looking for a magical place to spend a winter break in Scotland, the Highlands is the perfect choice! Step into a world of fluffy snow, glistening ice and magnificent wintry landscapes, making you feel like you’re in another world. The area around Inverness and Loch Ness boasts an array of fantastic winter sports and activities. So, wrap up warm, pack your camera, and get ready to visit one of the most magnificent places in the UK.


See the locations for winter sports and activities below…


Explore winter sports and activities below…

Cairngorm Mountain

Based in the heart of the magnificent Cairngorms National Park, Cairngorm Mountain is an activity…...

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Nevis Range

Sitting in the shadows of Ben Nevis, on the northern and eastern slopes of Aonach…...

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The Lecht

The Lecht is an alpine ski centre set around the mountains Beinn a' Chruinnich and…...

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Glencoe Mountain Resort

Glencoe Mountain Resort is an alpine ski resort on Rannoch Moor, near to the Highland…...

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Glenshee Ski Centre

Located above the Cairnwell Pass at the head of Glen Shee, the Glenshee Ski Centre is the largest…...

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Winter breaks in the lochs and hills

The vast lochs and undulating hills are one of the main attractions in the Scottish Highlands. If you’re spending Christmas in Scotland, you won’t want to miss a trip to this mountainous region. At the centre of the Highlands is Loch Ness. This huge lake is overlooked by the ancient ruins of Urquhart Castle. Here, you can take a stroll on the banks of the loch and soak up the magnificent natural landscapes. In this unspoilt wilderness, you’ll catch sightings of local wildlife, such as red deer. Go walking through ancient pine forests, driving through winding glens, or watch cascading waterfalls flow into rushing rivers. This remote region is a snowy glistening wonderland during the winter months. So, explore it with your family or friends and prepare to be enchanted.

Wonderful wintry wildlife

The Scottish Highlands is abundant with diverse wildlife even through the coldest winter months. You’ll see red squirrels scurrying along the branches of conifer trees, using their bushy tails to balance. Then, if you’re extremely lucky, you’ll see capercaillies, a shy bird which is hard to spot, despite being the size of a turkey. While walking by the water, you might see seals lying on sandy shores, dolphins jumping in Moray Firth, and otters scampering along riverbanks. Watch out for spectacular herds of red deer galloping through the hills. Don’t forget to bring your binoculars to get a better view of swooping eagles, or ospreys nesting with their offspring.

Scenic dog-sledding tours

What better way to discover the Scottish Highlands in winter, than riding in a sled driven by huskies or hounds? Sit back, and take in the snowy landscapes as you’re whisked along the tracks by these beautiful dogs. The Highlands hosts dog-sledding rallies, where thousands of animals race through the forests and mountains. Also, you can book a sled dog safari, or meet the dogs at sledding centres.

Skiing and snowshoeing

There are plenty of ways to keep fit whilst enjoying the breath-taking natural surroundings. The Scottish Highlands is home to mountainous terrain and cold temperatures, making it a playground for snow lovers. If you’re looking to ski in Scotland, you’ll find perfect conditions here. So, whether you’re a pro or a beginner, choose from the Cairngorm Mountains, Nevis Range, Glenshee Centre, The Lecht, and Glencoe Resort. If you’re looking for slower-paced activities, why not try snowshoeing? Strap on some snowshoes and explore the vast snowy landscapes of the Highlands on foot. You can book a guided tour and go trekking through the northern Cairngorms or dense forests. This is one of the best ways to experience the magical remote and tranquil environment of the Scottish Highlands.

Winter’s a great time to visit

If you love landscapes dusted with snow, friendly locals, and a region that is rich in history and nature, winter is the best time to visit Scotland and its magnificent Highlands. Here, you’ll discover our region’s fascinating attractions, meet some local wildlife, and leave with unforgettable memories.
